Tuesday, March 31, 2009

While America Sleeps
Indifference in America

Hell hath no fury as a patriot scorned. I am but a simple man with simple needs and simple wants. This wasn't by design; it was out of my desire for liberty. Normally, I am fair and philosophical in my assessment of the human condition and because of this, have been asked many times, my opinion of “The State of the Union” and American Politics. I usually preface my answer with, “In my opinion” or “I believe” and then qualify my answer with a snapshot of current events to give a point of reference. Depending upon the persons own political leanings, I either confirm their own opinions or beliefs; or I infuriate those, even to outrage, at my answers.

In defending their opposition to my opinions; they become assertive, they are surprised by my seemingly “laid back” demeanor when I become assertive and sometimes “in your face” with staunch purpose. When they become aggressive and try to talk down my opinion, either by trying to monopolize with ranting yelling and even screaming, I know they know I’m right and they are afraid to admit it. When they become threatening and accuse me with derogatory statements, they only confirm my own assessment of their own ideologies in their attempt to dissuade me or put me on the defensive; usually to force me into apologetic dialogue so as I become responsible for their own situation, what ever that is.

I am going to anger some of you, and I hope I do. Others will agree with me, but have been either too busy to care or too weak-kneed to say anything. And some, in agreement, are also bringing it to the forefront and are labeled as radicals and trouble makers because they “dare” believe in“so called antiquated” patriotism. I’m not only going to tell you what the State of the Union is; I’m going to tell you how it came about.

It has been said recently; this is a historical year. Yes, it is. For the first time in American history, an “African-American” has been elected to the highest office in the land. The economy is possibly at its’ worst, and the world is approaching globalism with the United Nations at the helm of a “One World Government” pursued by the advocates of the “New World Order”. But there is one small detail that has been overlooked: for the first time in our history, the Marxists in the United States have shown their cards, now we know who they are. I’m not pointing fingers at a specific political party, because I believe there are conservatives and socialists in every one of them. That being; I am discussing the Marxists, people who adhere to Marx Ideology and Philosophy, no matter which political party they profess, not the left or right of center politics which comprises our two party system.

We, as a nation, are in dire straights. I used to tell people: if certain things take place, the United States would fall to communism. Those things I used to talk about have taken place and now we are on the threshold of loosing our country. But, alas; no one listened to me then, why would I expect you to listen to me now. I do believe we are at war with Marxism. As a patriot, I can not ignore my responsibilities. And, as a patriot, I may be targeted. I know this and so do the others either in conservative talk shows, television and in this media; and when we in the media are silenced by the political machine, you will know we are right and they will be coming after you and your liberty.

Specific; to the placating population – not necessarily to include the power-broker elitists, which I will address later – indifference; the lengths to which vary to some degree or other, the responsibility to and by the citizens for it and the absolution of blame. They, the citizens of this representative government, are ultimately responsible for the state of the union; and it's these same citizens who complain if the status quo is not enough to offer them what they think or believe they should have in the way of stature, wealth or recognition. This makes for an easy tool for the power hungry elitists and socialists; especially the Communist Ideologues.

If they, the citizens, deem themselves worthy of stature, elect or appoint them to high office. If they want for more, give them the golden calf. If they pride themselves as idols, look to them as authoritative. But, specific to the United States; because they are Americans, they believe they are citizens with rights of passage, ignoring the fact hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives; not only as fatalities, also physical and psychological casualties, to keep this country free from the Communists and Fascists who relentlessly try to destroy this country by any means. By taking this country for granted and insisting apathetical policy replace sound aggressive foreign and domestic policy, pseudo elitists leave this country vulnerable to the bombardment of Marxist propaganda in our media, schools, businesses and government offices.

As an example; during a conversation with a number of individuals defending their apathy, I stated: “If I had unlimited resources and three generations, I could take any country without force.” In explaining my comment; “You would only need to plan a strategy with means and ends, befriend your compatriots whom you will bribe with wealth and power and leave them to feed upon their own greed. You must have no compassion for your enemy for it will make you appear weak. You must have no remorse for collateral damage that will be left in your wake lest it be for spoils to pay for your own. You must have no empathy for those you destroy for it will cause you to waver and distract you from your mission. It will be a war won without firing a shot; however it will have the same results. It is a war, after all.”

During the Cold War, while defending my position supporting a strong and hardened National Defense, I argued as a proponent of “First Strike”. This argument wasn’t only to support the need for a strong and viable Intelligence Network; I wanted to point out the need for the development of strategies for all contingencies, whether real or imaginary. This may not seem important here, but it does have merit as to what lengths determined people could go, to get the results they want. It wasn’t my advocacy that got attention; it was the design of the means to bring about a desired end and a peek into the complexities, thought and processes which comprise a strategy.

The scenario; to retaliate against a targeted country, where a first strike was initiated by the retaliatory country, to enable an actual first strike, in order to keep acceptable casualties to a minimum and direct responsibility for cause and effect at the targeted country. This is not intended to fuel the Conspiracy Theory arguments; which will only distract from my main point. My point being; if a scenario of this magnitude would be plausible, why wouldn’t one on a lesser scale, not?

Whether the war waged is nuclear, conventional or guerrilla[1] warfare; it has the same rules: whoever makes the first move sets the parameters. If the opposing force does not return force with like or greater force or tactics, no mater how distasteful, they will loose. The same rules apply to a political or economic war.

How can the target be acquired with least resistance and possibly convince the population of the targeted country to assist in its acquisition. One of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal is propaganda and application of psychological warfare[2]. What if we combine political, economic and psychological warfare? What if the targeted country is our own? What if the enemy is already here? What if the enemy has been here for three generations?

Propaganda[3] has three characteristics; white, grey and black. It is precisely the dissemination and interpretation of propaganda that determines the success of disguising your intent and the success of your mission. How to set in motion a set of events to distract from or direct attention to, where responsibility for the activity may or may not exist.

White Propaganda: is much like reporting current and historical events, where the source and topic of the information is known and recognized. It relies on truthful facts.

Grey Propaganda: is much like reporting current and historical events, there where there is ambiguity as to the source or topic. It relies on “white lies”, a little bit of truth or lying by omission. It would be the combination of white and black.

Black Propaganda: is much like reporting current and historical events, where the source is not known and neither is the topic. It relies on lies and the distortion of truth.

But, what does this have to do with my topic; indifference? People rely on truth of information to make decisions in their lives. If this information has been skewed, altered or is outright false, the decisions will not be correct. Over time, from grade school, through universities and colleges, newspapers, television and other sources of information; yes, even the internet, information has been tampered with.

We are now to believe; the government will provide anything worthwhile, the rich are responsible for the plight of the poor and the middle class must driven into poverty to make everything equal. We are to believe that anyone wanting to earn more than a livable wage are greedy and will cause inequality with those who don’t. We are to believe ethnicity, gender, nationality and orientation is somehow a qualification that supersedes ability and anyone who disagrees, is either a racist, homophobe, sexist or anti-whatever. We are to believe the government is to provide free resources and not question the costs and where the revenue to pay for these resources originates. The list goes on and on, and no one questions the government because we are to believe, the government has all the answers and anyone who questions it, is unpatriotic or un-American.

The indifference arises from government induced pseudo equality, where anyone who is compelled to improve their own status, position or economic well being are demonized and treated as trouble makers or unpatriotic. This statement of equality must be understood. We are indeed created equal, however, depending upon our abilities, our compulsion, drive for success or lack of; we will not end up equal. By mandating equality to the lowest common denominator, only stifles creativity and improvement. The result is indifference.

The progression of misinformation has transpired over years of propagandizing us and the evidence is there, right in front of us. The comparison of truth within the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as a model, to American and world history; will give you a baseline to measure the events of today. Unless we learn from the mistakes of the past, we are doomed to repeat them.

If you haven’t read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, I suggest you do so. It will give you a better understanding why we must stand up to the Marxist. We must do this now, before they have entrenched themselves, or we will be standing up to them as we have in other countries, in a bloody war. If you don’t believe me; I suggest asking those whom have fled Marxist or Communist countries to the United States for freedom.


[1] Guerrilla actually means war; however, it has been used to depict unconventional warfare. Merriam Webster Online
[2] Psychological Warfare Encyclopedia Britannica Online
[3] Propaganda Merriam Webster Online

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